Learn how disruptive tech can improve SDGs
Digital technology such as Artificial Intelligence and blockchain can make a positive impact to achieving Sustainable Development Goals according to Professor Shelley Marshall from the RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre in her latest article.
We agree and are committed to investigating how new blockchain-based tools (eg tokens and smart contracts) can propel social impact as one of our key research themes.
The Blockchain Innovation Hub are currently researching how DeFi can alleviate poverty in developing countries, which is supported by the Templeton World Charity Foundation Inc who are a global philanthropy with a mission to support new scientific research on human flourishing and to translate these basic discoveries into practical tools.
Professor Marshall and Dr Mohammad Alamgir Hossain from the Business and Human Rights Centre have produced a new online short course with D3 which dives into disruptive tech such as blockchain and its potential to achieve SDG goals .
Advancing Social Impact with Digital Technologies is now live and is ideal for business teams and organisations who want to learn more about implementing tangible outcomes through disruptive tech.
Jump online and get started today.