Dr Peyman Khezr
Dr Peyman Khezr is an applied auction theorist with a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, Australia and has several years of experience in the fields of auction theory and mechanism design. Peyman currently works on the application of mechanism design in blockchain governance and selling mechanisms that are applied to NFTs at the Blockchain Innovation Hub.
He is an expert in the efficient design of multi-unit auctions, having contributed extensively to the analysis of treasury, NFT, environmental, housing and energy auctions. He has designed new auctions that are implementable in real-world markets which could potentially achieve more efficient and desirable outcomes. His research has been published in top international journals such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Energy Economics, Research Policy, International Journal of Industrial Organization and Journal of Regulatory Economics, among others.
A complete list of all published research papers by Dr. Khezr is available here.
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