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News & Media
BIH News
Media Mentions
Mint & Burn Podcast
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Blockchain Club
Designing the Digital Economy
Published Journal Articles
Davidson (2024)
"The Economic Institutions of Artificial Intelligence"
, Journal of Institutional Economics
Mohan, Khezr, Berg (2024)
"Voting with Time Commitment for Decentralized Governance: Bond Voting as a Sybil-Resistant Mechanism"
, Management Science
Devos, Morton, Curran, Wallis (2023)
"The tax profession’s response to the recent review of the TPB, the TASA 2009 Code of Professional Conduct, investigations, and related sanctions"
, eJournal of Tax Research
Allen, Berg, Davidson (2023)
"Repugnant innovation"
, Journal of Institutional Economics
Morton, Devos, Vesty, Nguyen (2023)
"The crypto-economy and tax practitioner competencies: an Australian exploratory study"
, eJournal of Tax Research
Yap, Nayak, Vu, Bui, Pham, Allen (2023)
"Adopting blockchain-based traceability in the fruit supply chain in a developing economy: facilitators and barriers"
, Information Technology & People
Walkowiak (2023)
"Task-interdependencies between Generative AI and Workers"
, Economic Letters
Torrance, von Hippel, Harhoff, Potts (2023)
"Profiting from Data Commons - Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications"
, Strategy Science
Davidson (2023)
"Blockchain and the Information-Calculation Problem"
, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation
Davidson (2023)
"Compensation in DAOs: A Proposal"
, The British Blockchain Association
Allen, Berg, Lane, MacDonald, Potts (2023)
"The Exchange Theory of Web3 Governance"
, Kyklos
Thomas, Featherstone, Ormond-Parker (2023)
"Closing the Digital Gap for Remote First Nations Communities: 5G and Beyond?"
, Sage Journals
Parasol (2023)
"Enforcing Persistent ‘Smart Contracts’: Admin Keys and the Myth of Decentralised Finance?"
, The North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology
Allen, Potts (2023)
"Web3 Toolkits: A User Innovation Theory of Crypto Development"
, Journal of Open Innovation
Ilyushina (2023)
"Work for Decentralised Autonomous Organisation: What Empirical Labour Economics Can Tell Us about the Decentralised Digital Workforce"
, The Journal of the British Blockchain Association
Allen, Berg, Lane (2023)
"Why Airdrop Cryptocurrency Tokens?"
, Journal of Business Research
Walkowiak (2023)
"Digitalization and Inclusiveness of HRM Practices: The example of neurodiversity initiatives"
, Human Resources Management Journal
Morton, Curran (2023)
"Technical and legal aspects of tax debt collection and cryptocurrencies"
, Australian Tax Forum
Lane, Adam (2023)
"Crime and Cryptocurrency in Australian Courts"
, Monash University Law Review
Nabben (2023)
"Cryptoeconomics as governance: an intellectual history from “Crypto Anarchy” to “Cryptoeconomics”"
, Internet Histories
Morton, Devos, Curran, Wallis (2023)
"Tax practitioner perspectives on selected 2019 TPB Review recommendations"
, Australian Tax Forum
Nabben (2023)
"Governance by Algorithms, Governance of Algorithms: Human-Machine Politics in Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs)"
, PuntOorg International Journal
Kokshagina, Dabrowska, Balcell (2023)
"Crowd-Resourcing in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Resource Transformation Perspective"
, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Nabben (2023)
"Web3 as self-infrastructuring: The big challenge is how"
, Big Data & Society
Mohan, Hazani, Lai (2022)
"A Note on the Implications of Automation and Artificial Intelligence for International Trade"
, Journal of Economic Theory and Practice
Potts, Steen, Klein (2022)
"21st-Century General-Purpose Technologies and the Future of Project Management"
, Project Management Journal
Parasol (2022)
"Avoiding the Wholesale De-banking of Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Australia"
, UNSW Law Journal
Palit (2022)
“A Shuffled Replay of Events on Uniswap”
, Frontiers in Blockchain
Allen, Berg, Davidson, Potts (2022)
"On Coase and COVID-19"
, European Journal of Law and Economics
Nabben, Rennie (2022)
"Ad hoc network"
, Internet Policy Review
Nabben, Zargham (2022)
, Internet Policy Review
Khezr, Mohan (2022)
"The vexing but persistent problem of authorship misconduct in research"
, Research Policy
Ilyushina, Macdonald (2022)
"Decentralised Autonomous Organisations: A new research agenda for labour economics"
, The British Blockchain Association
Potts, Hawken, Hillhouse, Farabee (2022)
"Virtual reality for law enforcement training: a demonstration and implication for dispatch priming"
, Police Practice and Research
Morton, Curran (2022)
"Technical and legal aspects of tax debt collection and cryptocurrencies"
, Australian Tax Forum
Morton, Curran (2022)
"The loss and destruction of cryptocurrencies and CGT event C1"
, Australian Tax Forum
Poblet Balcell, Valdivia (2022)
"Connecting the grids: A review of blockchain governance in distributed energy transitions"
, Energy Research and Social Science
Mohan (2022)
"Automated market makers and decentralized exchanges: a DeFi primer"
, Financial Innovation
Chang, Potts, Shih (2021)
"The market for meaning: A new entrepreneurial approach to creative industries dynamics"
, Journal of Cultural Economics
Walkowiak (2021)
"Neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation: The case of inclusion of autistic workers at the workplace"
, Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Potts (2021)
"How heterodox economics lost its way"
, Journal of Economic Issues
Mohan, Hazari (2021)
"Child Labour and Social Exclusion: A Trade Theoretic Analysis"
, Economic and Political Weekly
Allen, Berg, Davidson, Potts (2021)
"Blockchain and investment: An Austrian approach"
, The Review of Austrian Economics
Nabben (2021) "Blockchain Security as
“People Security”: Applying Sociotechnical Security to Blockchain Technology"
, Frontiers in Computer Science
Potts, Chang, Shih (2021)
"The market for meaning: A new entrepreneurial approach to creative industries dynamics"
, Journal of Cultural Economics
Rennie, Steele (2021)
"Privacy and Emergency Payments in a Pandemic: How to Think about Privacy and a Central Bank Digital Currency"
, Law, Technology and Humans
Morton, Curran (2021)
"Crypto-donations and tax deductibility"
, Australian Tax Forum
Potts, Montgomery, Neylon, Rennie (2019)
"Do we need to move from communication technology to user community: a new economic model of a journal as a club"
, Learned Publishing
Nabben, Pochesneva (2019)
"Toward a crypto-friendly index for the APEC region"
, The Journal of the British Blockchain Association
Almudi, Fatas-Villafranca, Potts, Fernandez, Vazquez (2019)
"Absorptive capacity in a two-sector neo-Schumpeterian model"
, Industrial and Corporate Change
Berg, Davidson, Potts (2019)
"Blockchain technology as economic infrastructure: Revisiting the electronic markets hypothesis"
, Frontiers in Blockchain
Allen, Berg A, Berg C, Markey-Towler, Potts (2019)
"Some economic consequences of the GDPR"
, Economics Bulletin
Mohan (2019)
"On the use of blockchain-based mechanisms to tackle academic misconduct"
, Research Policy
Allen, Berg, Davidson, Novak, Potts (2019)
"International Policy Coordination for Blockchain Supply Chains"
, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Novak, Davidson, Potts (2019)
"The Cost of Trust: A Pilot Study"
, The Journal of the British Blockchain Association
Poblet, Allen, Konashevych, Lane, Valdivia (2019)
"From Athens to the Blockchain: Oracles for Digital Democracy"
, Frontiers of Blockchain
Allen, Lane, Poblet (2019)
"The Governance of Blockchain Dispute Resolution"
, Harvard Negotiation Law Review
Allen (2019)
"Governing the entrepreneurial discovery of blockchain applications"
, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
Novak (2019)
"Crypto-friendliness: Understanding blockchain public policy"
, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
Berg, Davidson, Potts (2018)
"Capitalism after Satoshi: Blockchains, dehierarchicalisation, innovation policy and the regulatory state"
, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
Allen, Berg, Potts, Lane (2018)
"Cryptodemocracy and its Institutional Possibilities"
, The Review of Austrian Economics
Allen, Berg, Novak (2018)
"Blockchain: An Entangled Political Economy Approach"
, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice
Davidson, De Filipi, Potts (2018)
"Blockchains and the economic institutions of capitalism"
, Journal of Institutional Economics
Potts, Rennie, Goldenfein (2017)
"Blockchains and the crypto city"
, Information Technology
Berg (2017)
"What diplomacy in the ancient near east can tell us about blockchain technology"
, Ledger