Published Journal Articles

Davidson (2024) "The Economic Institutions of Artificial Intelligence", Journal of Institutional Economics

Mohan, Khezr, Berg (2024) "Voting with Time Commitment for Decentralized Governance: Bond Voting as a Sybil-Resistant Mechanism", Management Science

Devos, Morton, Curran, Wallis (2023) "The tax profession’s response to the recent review of the TPB, the TASA 2009 Code of Professional Conduct, investigations, and related sanctions", eJournal of Tax Research

Allen, Berg, Davidson (2023) "Repugnant innovation", Journal of Institutional Economics

Morton, Devos, Vesty, Nguyen (2023) "The crypto-economy and tax practitioner competencies: an Australian exploratory study", eJournal of Tax Research

Yap, Nayak, Vu, Bui, Pham, Allen (2023) "Adopting blockchain-based traceability in the fruit supply chain in a developing economy: facilitators and barriers", Information Technology & People

Walkowiak (2023) "Task-interdependencies between Generative AI and Workers", Economic Letters

Torrance, von Hippel, Harhoff, Potts (2023) "Profiting from Data Commons - Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications", Strategy Science

Davidson (2023) "Blockchain and the Information-Calculation Problem", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation

Davidson (2023) "Compensation in DAOs: A Proposal", The British Blockchain Association

Allen, Berg, Lane, MacDonald, Potts (2023) "The Exchange Theory of Web3 Governance", Kyklos

Thomas, Featherstone, Ormond-Parker (2023) "Closing the Digital Gap for Remote First Nations Communities: 5G and Beyond?", Sage Journals

Parasol (2023) "Enforcing Persistent ‘Smart Contracts’: Admin Keys and the Myth of Decentralised Finance?", The North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology

Allen, Potts (2023) "Web3 Toolkits: A User Innovation Theory of Crypto Development", Journal of Open Innovation

Ilyushina (2023) "Work for Decentralised Autonomous Organisation: What Empirical Labour Economics Can Tell Us about the Decentralised Digital Workforce", The Journal of the British Blockchain Association

Allen, Berg, Lane (2023) "Why Airdrop Cryptocurrency Tokens?", Journal of Business Research

Walkowiak (2023) "Digitalization and Inclusiveness of HRM Practices: The example of neurodiversity initiatives", Human Resources Management Journal

Morton, Curran (2023) "Technical and legal aspects of tax debt collection and cryptocurrencies", Australian Tax Forum

Lane, Adam (2023) "Crime and Cryptocurrency in Australian Courts", Monash University Law Review

Nabben (2023) "Cryptoeconomics as governance: an intellectual history from “Crypto Anarchy” to “Cryptoeconomics”", Internet Histories

Morton, Devos, Curran, Wallis (2023) "Tax practitioner perspectives on selected 2019 TPB Review recommendations", Australian Tax Forum

Nabben (2023) "Governance by Algorithms, Governance of Algorithms: Human-Machine Politics in Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs)", PuntOorg International Journal

Kokshagina, Dabrowska, Balcell (2023) "Crowd-Resourcing in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Resource Transformation Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Nabben (2023) "Web3 as self-infrastructuring: The big challenge is how", Big Data & Society

Mohan, Hazani, Lai (2022) "A Note on the Implications of Automation and Artificial Intelligence for International Trade", Journal of Economic Theory and Practice

Potts, Steen, Klein (2022) "21st-Century General-Purpose Technologies and the Future of Project Management", Project Management Journal

Parasol (2022) "Avoiding the Wholesale De-banking of Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Australia", UNSW Law Journal

Palit (2022) “A Shuffled Replay of Events on Uniswap”, Frontiers in Blockchain

Allen, Berg, Davidson, Potts (2022) "On Coase and COVID-19", European Journal of Law and Economics

Nabben, Rennie (2022) "Ad hoc network", Internet Policy Review

Nabben, Zargham (2022) "Permissionlessness", Internet Policy Review

Khezr, Mohan (2022) "The vexing but persistent problem of authorship misconduct in research", Research Policy

Ilyushina, Macdonald (2022) "Decentralised Autonomous Organisations: A new research agenda for labour economics", The British Blockchain Association

Potts, Hawken, Hillhouse, Farabee (2022) "Virtual reality for law enforcement training: a demonstration and implication for dispatch priming", Police Practice and Research

Morton, Curran (2022) "Technical and legal aspects of tax debt collection and cryptocurrencies", Australian Tax Forum

Morton, Curran (2022) "The loss and destruction of cryptocurrencies and CGT event C1", Australian Tax Forum

Poblet Balcell, Valdivia (2022) "Connecting the grids: A review of blockchain governance in distributed energy transitions", Energy Research and Social Science

Mohan (2022) "Automated market makers and decentralized exchanges: a DeFi primer", Financial Innovation

Chang, Potts, Shih (2021) "The market for meaning: A new entrepreneurial approach to creative industries dynamics", Journal of Cultural Economics

Walkowiak (2021) "Neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation: The case of inclusion of autistic workers at the workplace", Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Potts (2021) "How heterodox economics lost its way", Journal of Economic Issues

Mohan, Hazari (2021) "Child Labour and Social Exclusion: A Trade Theoretic Analysis", Economic and Political Weekly

Allen, Berg, Davidson, Potts (2021) "Blockchain and investment: An Austrian approach", The Review of Austrian Economics

Nabben (2021) "Blockchain Security as “People Security”: Applying Sociotechnical Security to Blockchain Technology", Frontiers in Computer Science

Potts, Chang, Shih (2021) "The market for meaning: A new entrepreneurial approach to creative industries dynamics", Journal of Cultural Economics

Rennie, Steele (2021) "Privacy and Emergency Payments in a Pandemic: How to Think about Privacy and a Central Bank Digital Currency", Law, Technology and Humans

Morton, Curran (2021) "Crypto-donations and tax deductibility", Australian Tax Forum

Potts, Montgomery, Neylon, Rennie (2019) "Do we need to move from communication technology to user community: a new economic model of a journal as a club", Learned Publishing

Nabben, Pochesneva (2019) "Toward a crypto-friendly index for the APEC region", The Journal of the British Blockchain Association

Almudi, Fatas-Villafranca, Potts, Fernandez, Vazquez (2019) "Absorptive capacity in a two-sector neo-Schumpeterian model", Industrial and Corporate Change

Berg, Davidson, Potts (2019) "Blockchain technology as economic infrastructure: Revisiting the electronic markets hypothesis", Frontiers in Blockchain

Allen, Berg A, Berg C, Markey-Towler, Potts (2019) "Some economic consequences of the GDPR", Economics Bulletin

Mohan (2019) "On the use of blockchain-based mechanisms to tackle academic misconduct", Research Policy

Allen, Berg, Davidson, Novak, Potts (2019) "International Policy Coordination for Blockchain Supply Chains", Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

Novak, Davidson, Potts (2019) "The Cost of Trust: A Pilot Study", The Journal of the British Blockchain Association

Poblet, Allen, Konashevych, Lane, Valdivia (2019) "From Athens to the Blockchain: Oracles for Digital Democracy", Frontiers of Blockchain

Allen, Lane, Poblet (2019) "The Governance of Blockchain Dispute Resolution", Harvard Negotiation Law Review

Allen (2019) "Governing the entrepreneurial discovery of blockchain applications", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy

Novak (2019) "Crypto-friendliness: Understanding blockchain public policy", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy

Berg, Davidson, Potts (2018) "Capitalism after Satoshi: Blockchains, dehierarchicalisation, innovation policy and the regulatory state", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy

Allen, Berg, Potts, Lane (2018) "Cryptodemocracy and its Institutional Possibilities", The Review of Austrian Economics

Allen, Berg, Novak (2018) "Blockchain: An Entangled Political Economy Approach", Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice

Davidson, De Filipi, Potts (2018) "Blockchains and the economic institutions of capitalism", Journal of Institutional Economics

Potts, Rennie, Goldenfein (2017) "Blockchains and the crypto city", Information Technology

Berg (2017) "What diplomacy in the ancient near east can tell us about blockchain technology", Ledger