Dr Darcy Allen is an economist and writer working on new technologies. He is a Senior Research Fellow in the Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT University.

Dr Darcy Allen

Dr Darcy Allen is the Deputy Director of the Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT University.

He is currently working on the economics and policy of blockchain technology. His scholarly contributions have appeared across academic journals including Research Policy and the Harvard Negotiation Law Review, and his latest books are The New Technologies of Freedom (AIER, 2020), Unfreeze: How to Create a High Growth Economy After the Pandemic (AIER, 2020) and Cryptodemocracy: How Blockchain Can Radically Expand Democratic Choice (Lexington, 2019).

Dr Allen has also published over 50 research reports and opinion pieces in the print and electronic media, appeared as an expert witness before Australian parliamentary inquiries at the state and federal level, and sits on the editorial board of several academic journals.

Connect with Darcy on LinkedIn and Twitter: DrDarcyAllen